Showing posts with label felt key ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felt key ring. Show all posts

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Horse keyring and minipurse

You need:
  • strip of 3mm wool felt 20x5 cm in horselike color
  • strip of 3 mm  wool felt 10x5 cm in the same color
  • little pieces of thin wool felt (1mm) for nose, nostril, manes and inner ear in a contrasting color
  • 2 silver sequins
  • embroidery thread in the color of your little pieces of felt and for the bridle
  • embroidery needle
  • 2 cm velcro
  • exacto knife (alternative; stanley knife)
  • 5 cm ribbon 
  • key ring
  • sharp scissors
  • sewing machine
  • copy/past the picture and print it on A4
Cut out the end of the long strip of your 3mm woolfelt  using part 1.
Cut out piece 2 out of a contrasting color thin wool felt. For piece 3, the nostril, you need a slightly darker color. Seam the nostril (3) on the nose (3) with tiny stitches. Use a running stitch to attach the nose to the head.

Cut out the manes (4) out of thin wool felt and again use a running stitch or a blanket stitch to attach this piece to the head. The manes are not covering all of the head! Look at the overall picture to see how the pieces should be attached on the head.

Now embroider the eye. You can use a french knot and embroider a thin line above the knot.

Cut out the ear (5) out of 3mm wool felt (use the piece you cut of to create the head) and the inner ear in a contrasting color of thin wool felt. Use tiny stitches to attach the inner ear to the ear.

Make an incision as shown on the overall picture with your exacto knife. No stick the ear in it. A cocktail pick might be useful! Attach the stem of the ear to the back of the strip with a few stitches.

If you like you can embroider a bridle, using a chainstitch and some sequins, see picture.

Now use your sewing machine to attach the velcro on the back of the head (the yellow lines on the picture), attach the other end on the right side your 10x5cm 3mm woolfelt strip. Put the long strip with the right side down and the short strip with the right side up, aligned at the bottom.

Fold the ribbon around the ring and place it in between the two strips and sew together with your sewing machine.

Please don't pay attention to the gap above the manes. We all make mistakes sometimes...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Felt fox

U heeft nodig:
  • restjes roodbruin, wit en zwart vilt
  • borduurgaren zwart, wit en roodbruin
  • beetje vulling
  • lint
  • sleutelring
You need:
  • felt scraps in reddish brown, white and black
  • embroidery flos in the same colors
  • a little bit of filling
  • a ribbon
  • a key ring

Klik hier voor het patroon (rechtermuisklik op foto met patroon)

Click here for pattern (just right click on the picture with the pattern)

Naai de oortjes (c.) op het kopdeel (a.), gewoon met een klein rijgsteekje. Zet de neus (b.) op dezelfde manier vast. Leg het complete kopdeel a. op het witte deel d. en zet vast met een klein festonsteekje. Borduur de oogjes volgens voorbeeld. 
Sew the ears (c.) on the head part a. with a simple little stitch. Do the same with the nose b. Put the completed headpart a. on the white part d. en attach it with a little blanketstitch. Embroider the eyes.

Zet nu het geheel (a + d)  vast aan de achterkant (e.). Begin aan de buitenkant van het rechteroor en ga onderlangs naar het linkeroor. Laat de bovenkant van de kop nog even open. Als u hiermee klaar bent gaat u met een witte draad borduurgaren precies langs deel a., door beide lagen (zie rode lijn op het plaatje.)

Attach the complete front (a.+ d) to the back (e.). Start with a blanketstitch at the right ear and follow your way underneath to the right ear. On top of the head you leave the fox open. When your done you stitch exactly along part a, trough both layers. (see red line on the imagine)

Nu vul je het kopdeel een beetje. Pak je lint en je sleutelring en sluit dan de kop met het lint mooi in het midden. Ik gebruikte een dubbel stukje lint voor de stevigheid.

Now fill the head a little bit. Take your ring and ribbon an close the top of the head with the ribbon in between. I took a double piece of ribbon to make it a bit more sturdy.